About Bernd Schoel, PhD

  I am a certified Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) and Spiritual B.E.S.T. practitioner, and an Energy Codes Facilitator.

  Since young I was interested in Medicine and Chemistry. I decided for Chemistry and completed my doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. My professional career began at the renowned Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg and continued at the faculty of Medicine of the University of Ulm where I worked for 10 years in the field of Immunology. My interest shifted when genetically modified organisms (GMOs) became available for farming. I gained the opportunity to work in the first US GMO testing laboratory, Genetic ID in Fairfield Iowa founded by Dr. John Fagan. The testing for the presence or absence of GMOs in food gives consumers the opportunity to choose non-GM food.

   Whereas my career is based on my education as a Chemist, the areas of my work related to health and well-being. I always kept an eye on herbs, nutrition, the ancient Indian medical system Ayurveda, and the Chinese Qigong for healing. With Qigong by Master Chunyi Lin I learned about “Energy Medicine”. I became aware of The Energy Codes® of Dr. Sue Morter in 2019. Specific breathing and awareness exercises result in a more profound relation with our body and allow us to connect to higher aspects of ourselves. This resonates with my continuous practice of Transcendental Meditation® as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi since my age of 20. The Energy Codes course work with Dr. Sue Morter led me to the Bio Energy Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) which was developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr. I have attended Dr. Sue’s training for B.E.S.T. and Spiritual B.E.S.T. in 2020. By becoming certified for B.E.S.T., Spiritual B.E.S.T., and an Energy Codes Facilitator my life took a new direction. This work fascinates me every time. It is fulfilling to watch clients reach higher degrees of wellness and connect to higher versions of themselves.

   Another important area of interest in my life is choral music. I am a member of the Chamber Singers of South East Iowa directed by Elaine Reding, an amazing choral group in Fairfield.