Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)

   The Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) was developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr. as a painless non-forceful hands-on energy balancing procedure to help reestablish the full innate healing capacity of the body. It balances body, mind, energy fields, memory, and spirit. B.E.S.T. eliminates subconscious interference and creates a natural balance and communication between the conscious and subconscious divisions of the central nervous system. This reestablishes the full healing potential of the body. Our body can not only begin to feel better, but actually begin to repair and rebuild.

   The body is electromagnetic in its nature. Bio-Energetic work utilizes magnetic and electrical fields with the hands of the practitioner. No instruments are needed. B.E.S.T. practitioners access areas of the brain by touching certain points around the head and body in a specific sequence. As a whole body-healing and energy balancing technique it helps remove interference that prevents us to experience optimal wellness. The subconscious mind is updated so that the body operates in present time rather than based on past experiences. With subconscious interference removed, the body repairs itself according to its original healthy design. When we address the cause rather the symptoms, we can activate our body’s innate ability to heal and it returns to its natural state of health.

   An additional modality is Spiritual B.E.S.T. developed by Dr. Sue Morter. Spiritual B.E.S.T., the “Spiritual Body Energy Synchronization Technique” is a procedure that integrates The Energy Codes® principles of Dr. Sue with B.E.S.T. Spiritual B.E.S.T. improves the energy and information flow within the human system, in particular through a central channel where energy centers become more and more interconnected. As a consequence, we can imagine that our true Self, or who-we-are in real, becomes more infused and present in our system. Our mind can relax, our life becomes more fulfilled and we experience better well-being.

You are invited for a first session for free

Half hour session $45

Package of three sessions $100